In science, the concept of life force dates back to the 1600’s – it was described as a force intrinsic to life that renders it alive. It was thought to be immeasurable until the 1850’s when studies began in electrophysiology. Different cultures have many names for this life energy – Ki in Japan, Qi (Chi) in China, Prana (Ayurveda) in India - see diagram below.

Today universal life force energy is a commonly accepted term across energy healing practitioners.
The 'laying on of hands' is one of the oldest forms of energy healing. It emerged independently among ancient civilizations across the world. The earliest Eastern references are dated 2500-5000 years ago. The earliest Western references are from Egypt’s 3rd dynasty. The Bible refers to many healings from Jesus using his hands alone. Even Hippocrates, a major figure in Western medicine, referred to it as ‘the force which flows from many people’s hands.’
Today, therapies such as Reiki, healing touch, and Qi Gong modify a person’s ‘biofield’ using external energies brought through the therapist’s hands.
Try this if you would like to experience how this energy feels:
1. Sit comfortably. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax your mind and body.
2. Hold the palms of your hands facing each other about 2 inches (5cm) apart.
3. Perform short and slow movements of the palms around their position, keeping them facing each other. For example, make small circles (1 inch) with your right palm. Or move both palms in circles. When you do this you may start to feel some sensations in the palms. These can be tingling in the palm or fingertips, warmth, slight pressure or kind of a magnetic repulsion. I usually feel this as 'thicker air between my hands'.
4. All the time concentrate on the feelings between your palms.
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Life force energy is an integral part of all living things, including you. Practices such as Reiki can ensure that your 'biofield' functions at it's best, allowing you to feel at your best, physically, mentally and emotionally. If you are interested in a Reiki session or have questions, please reach out to me at