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Sometimes I look at the clouds in the sky and wish deep down that I could fly

To the tops of the trees, through the vastness of space

To find a home and escape the rat race

As I picture myself ascending so high

I release all the garbage, the thoughts, and the lie

I’m not trapped, I have all in my reach

Sometimes even the sky can't offer a release

I have the choice for angst or for peace

Why do I choose suffering, what’s the point, good grief

I’m beautifully made with Spirit within

Do I dare take a look, am I allowed in?

This peace that I seek lies dormant and waits

I get quiet and realize, I stand at the gate

It’s all an illusion, this need to escape

For this world is perfect, staring us right in the face

Our mind tells the story, old patterns and fears

Be still and observe, it’s silliness my dear

We’re so close to peace if only we dare

To remove the ego’s mask of unending despair

Sit in the now, turn off the mind

Can you taste inner peace, seek and you’ll find

When you look at the sky what do you see?

I see vastness, pure beauty, all just for me

Embrace the love

Embrace the ease

Our natural state is joy

Let’s flow like the breeze

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